Our Purpose at Element is “让明天比今天更安全”. Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) responsibility are core to how we bring this purpose to life. At Element, 我们相信,议会im体育平台app下载可以发挥重大作用, and meaningful, 在环境可持续性方面发挥领导作用, 与世界各地的客户合作. 我们是领跑者. 

被公认为im体育平台app下载领导者 Sustainalytics, a global leader in ESG research and rating, we have the highest rating of any major TIC player. 在Sustainalytics评选的15000多家公司中,我们位列前1%. 

“作为一家以目标为核心的企业, 我们为多年来建立的强大的ESG框架感到自豪, which supported our achievement of this rating and our leadership on this critical issue.”

Jo Wetz



The environmental commitments around emissions form a critical part of our longer-term ESG plans. The key targets include:

Where we've come from

Current Baseline

2019年,Element的碳基线为103千万吨二氧化碳当量,相当于15千万吨二氧化碳当量.1 TCO2e/ FTE and 0.13 TCO2e per $ revenue.

Our Climate Initiatives

在世界各地,我们都在努力减少对环境的影响 aiming to migrate 100% of global electricity usage to renewable energy contracts, as well as trialling electric vehicles and working throughout our supply chain to reduce our impact.

Wind Turbines

Element全球30%的电力来自可再生能源, and we will continue to migrate towards renewable energy contracts for all electricity usage.

Solar and Wind Energy
Energy Production

我们正在整个公司的物业上安装太阳能电池板, 包括阿拉伯联合酋长国的实验室.

Electric vehicle
Electric Vehicles

We are currently exploring electric vehicle options in the UK with the goal of transitioning our vehicles to reduce our scope 1 emissions.

Social Responsibility

我们关心我们对我们的员工和我们所在的社区的影响. 我们一直在努力使Element成为一个更加多元化、包容和公平的公司. Our diversity makes us stronger and more able to make a positive difference in our local communities and to the broader society we are a part of.

Women in business
Diversity and Inclusion

Building a more diverse and inclusive culture is all about building trust and being genuine. 这也是关于充分利用我们多样化的思维方式, experience, 我们来自不同的文化和背景. 我们已经启动了几个同事资源网络(涉及种族平等), disability resource, LGBT+ and Women in Business) and we provide targeted training combatting 'unconscious bias' for our leaders.


为每个人创造一个更安全的世界是我们的宗旨. 这要从我们的人民开始, safety is our number one priority and we have implemented a leading-edge safety programme across all operations.

Beach Cleaning
Community Service

Within Element we can all bring our purpose and values to life both at work and outside of work. We offer all colleagues 12 hours of volunteering leave each year to support their local communities. This is a positive impact in our local communities but can also provide opportunities for personal and professional growth for us as individuals. 回馈社会会让我们为自己的支持感到自豪, and be a part of, 我们所在的社区. 


Governance and Integrity

Our commitment to integrity ensures that consistently high standards are maintained across the Group. We have the necessary governance and organizational structures in place to provide appropriate levels of oversight in audits, 风险管理和潜在利益冲突.

TIC Council Membership

Element is a member of the TIC Council, 代表独立检测的国际协会, 检验认证公司. im体育APP于2020年10月1日获接纳为议会理事会成员. Members of the TIC Council must implement and abide by the TIC Council Compliance Code (First edition) issued by the TIC Council in December 2018.

Element is committed to meeting the obligations that are laid down by the TIC Council and our Compliance Program reflects the requirements of the TIC Council Compliance Code:

  • Integrity – to 在所有活动中以专业、独立和公正的态度行事.
  • Conflicts of Interest – 避免实际的、潜在的或感知到的利益冲突. 
  • 保密及资料保护  尊重客户信息的保密性和隐私性. 
  • Anti-bribery - a zero tolerance approach to bribery and corruption in all business dealings and relationships.
  • 竞争与公平商业行为 遵守所有有关公平竞争、反垄断和招标的规定.
  • Health and Safety -保护同事、客户和第三方的健康和安全.
  • Fair Labour -对工作场所的虐待、欺凌或骚扰采取零容忍态度. 工作场所机会均等, compliance with minimum wage legislation and prohibition of forced and compulsory labour.
TIC Council

Element已经建立了广泛的策略, procedures and guidelines which set out how we operate - what is expected of our people, 以及他们能从Element得到什么回报. 定期更新并定期与同事沟通. The principal policies, procedures and guidelines have been brought together in an overarching Code of Conduct, which reflects our commitment to conducting business with honesty and integrity wherever we operate.

Element is committed to ensuring that our people are treated in accordance with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the UN Global Compact’s ten principles. We seek to prohibit forced, 强制和未成年劳工以及任何形式的种族歧视, gender, religion, age, disability, 集体谈判权:集体谈判或政治归属的权利.  Our Modern Slavery Policy states that Element has a zero tolerance approach to Modern Slavery and that the following principles apply to our business and supply chain:

  • 不得使用童工;
  • 不得使用任何形式的强迫、强制劳动;
  • passports, visas and other personal documentation should not be taken from employees unless requested to be held by the employee for safekeeping purposes;
  • 禁止一切形式的债务奴役;
  • 补偿和福利必须符合当地有关最低工资的法律, overtime hours and other benefits; and
  • the formation of trade unions and powers of collective bargaining should be respected. 

根据2015年现代奴隶制法案的要求,Element出版了一份 现代奴隶制透明度声明 which sets out our approach to preventing Modern Slavery within Element's business and supply chain.

Element is committed to conducting business to the highest possible ethical and business standards. 因此,我们通过了 Supplier Code of Conduct 制定我们期望供应商遵守的行为和原则. 商品和服务的供应商, contractors, joint venture partners, consultants, advisers and all other third parties engaged by Element are expected to adhere to the principles set out in this Supplier Code of Conduct and are encouraged to develop their own codes, policies and procedures to adhere to the principles of this Supplier Code of Conduct.

我们提供保密举报人服务, 哪个是由专业的第三方供应商管理的, across our global business, 给所有同事和第三方提出关注的机会. 这项服务包括一条电话热线, email and web-based reporting facility and is available in relevant languages in all countries in which Element has a presence.   此服务可用于举报欺诈、贿赂等不法行为 & corruption, discrimination, bullying or harassment, supplier labor practices, modern slavery, tax evasion, breach of competition laws, health, 安全、质量问题和环境问题. 任何举报报告都会得到适当的审查和调查.

Section 172 of the Companies Act 2006 (the “Act”) sets out the directors’ duty to promote the success of the company. In accordance with the Act and the Companies (Miscellaneous Reporting) Regulations 2018, qualifying companies are required to include a statement in the strategic report of their annual report and accounts which describes how their directors have had regard to the matters set out in section 172 of the Act (the “Section 172 Statement”).

The Section 172 Statement of Element Materials Technology Group Limited and its subsidiaries that also meet the qualifying criteria to publish a Section 172 Statement can be found below.


im体育APP材料科技集团有限公司- 2020财政年度

2020年年报和合并财务报表第27页 (View PDF filed at Companies House)


Warringtonfire测试及认证有限公司- 2019财政年度

2019年年报及财务报表第2页(View PDF filed at Companies House) 


Element Materials Technology Environmental UK Limited - 2020财政年度

2020年年报及财务报表第4页(View PDF filed at Companies House)

To contact the Group Legal team at Element in relation to any governance or integrity  matter, please contact ethics@2ve6n74.net

Alternatively, 联系由Safecall提供的机密举报热线, please click here.

