确保您的无线电和无线设备尽可能有效地使用无线电频谱, whilst conforming to regulatory requirements. Element的专家指导您了解射频产品的协议和参数的复杂性. 我们的射频协议和参数测试可以帮助防止连接不良等常见问题, 信号干扰和缓慢的数据传输可能导致客户不满. 从生成定制的测试计划和执行预遵从性调查, 到完整的正式一致性测试程序-信任im体育APP提供高效的解决方案,同时坚持您复杂的测试需求.  


What is RF Protocol and RF Parametric Testing? 

在无线电和无线广播中使用协议和参数,以确保使用无线电频谱的人遵守某些质量标准, as defined by the various network operators. 根据既定标准和规则进行测试,可以使大量设备同时利用无线电频谱,并促进所有无线电设备的标准化高质量服务.

射频协议测试的重点是检查设备是否满足无线设备间数据无缝交换的规则(协议). These can vary depending on network operator, application (e.g. Wi-Fi or Bluetooth), data range and rate, plus many other factors. 射频参数测试评估射频组件的特定性能参数, such as power, frequency range, modulation, and sensitivity. 它确保单个组件或系统满足技术要求,并在可接受的范围内运行.


Key Benefits of RF Protocol and Parametric Testing with Element

  • Ensure compliance: 通过全面的测试,确保您的设备符合im体育平台app下载标准和法规要求. 这可以确保您的产品符合要求并准备好在市场上销售.
  • Improve Customer Satisfaction: Dropped calls, slow data transfer, poor connectivity, and network instability can all lead to customer frustration. 针对协议和参数进行测试可以减少出现这些常见抱怨的可能性.
  • Enhance Reliability识别并解决无线电和无线基础设施或设备中的潜在弱点或故障点, making your products more trustworthy for your customers.
  • Safeguard Devices and Networks:减少干扰及找出无线通讯系统的漏洞, ensuring the safety and security of your connected devices and networks.
  • Better Interoperability: Ensure seamless communication between different devices and networks, promoting a connected and integrated ecosystem.
  • Optimize Network Performance测试有助于找到设备和网络之间最无缝的通信方式, for better capacity and efficiency.


Michael Derby

Michael Derby

Technical Director - Regulatory Approvals

Read more about Michael

Identify Issues Early – Reduce Risk & Cost

我们的射频协议和参数测试服务通过及早发现问题来简化产品开发, minimizing the risk of costly recalls and warranty claims. 我们确保符合im体育平台app下载标准,避免昂贵的售后支持. Simultaneously, our streamlined testing process accelerates your time-to-market, 让您自信地更快地介绍您的产品,并以高质量的标准获得竞争优势.


Informed R&D Decision

我们的测试服务提供有价值的数据和洞察您的产品的性能和行为 wireless devices. 这些信息允许您战略性地导航开发和部署过程, 做出符合im体育平台app下载标准的基于证据的决策. 基于全面测试结果的选择能力提高了您产品的整体质量,并使您在竞争激烈的市场中取得成功.


Our RF Protocol and RF Parametric Testing Capabilities

参数和协议测试不是您的无线电设备进入市场所需的唯一测试. Element的专家可以为各种射频设备提供广泛的法规遵从性服务. 请与我们联系,了解适用于您特定设备的更完整的要求和建议.  


Why Choose Element?

我们的专业无线电测试专家团队在射频(RF)程序方面拥有40年的经验. 我们可以在测试和认证旅程的每个阶段提供支持,提供全面的 RF testing solutions 这不仅涵盖协议和参数测试,还可以根据您的需求进行定制. For our parametric and protocol testing services, 我们通过了ISO/IEC 17025:2017认证,并作为欧洲法规的公告机构. Additionally, we're approved for UK Regulations, a TCB for the US, an FCB for Canada, a CAB for Japan, and recognized under the IECEE CB Scheme.

选择Element作为您射频协议和射频参数测试的合作伙伴,利用我们im体育平台app下载领先的专业知识,并在整个复杂的测试和批准过程中获得个性化指导. To discuss your specific needs with our experts, reach out to us today.


How to Prepare for Radio Compliance Testing?


Learn more

White Paper: Wireless Power Transfer (WPT) Testing 

Learn more about Wireless Power Transfer use cases and regulations. 此测试有助于确保您的产品在实际情况下按预期运行,并符合法规和im体育平台app下载要求.


Article: FCC Permissive Change Policy

An overview of Class I, II, and III FCC Permissive Change Policy. im体育官方app下载以了解何时修改您的产品需要重新测试当前的FCC标准.


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