Get your radio products into the Japanese market with 麦克风认证 under Japan Radio Law from im体育APP - one of the few Registered 认证 Bodies (RCBs) outside Japan that can certify radio equipment for the Japanese marketplace. 我们的专业知识确保严格遵守日本法规, helping you navigate the complex Japanese Radio Ordinance Law and MIC certification requirements. 



麦克风认证, 由日本总务省(MIC)发布, is a mandatory process for radio and telecommunication products intended for the Japanese market, 根据日本无线电法的要求.

为了进入日本市场, MIC(也称为“Giteki”或TELEC标志), 认证是必要的. This certification ensures that radio and telecommunication products comply with Japanese regulatory standards, 其中包括安全, 功能, 并符合相关技术规范. 



  • 法规遵从性保证: MIC certification ensures that your radio equipment complies with stringent Japanese regulatory standards, 包括《im体育APP》中概述的内容.
  • 验证质量: Certify your products' safety and performance through rigorous testing and conformity assessment by accredited labs, 提升市场竞争力.
  • 加强市场准入: 具有MIC认证, 你们的产品获准进入日本市场, 为扩张和收入增长提供了重要的机会.
  • 提振消费者信心日本消费者优先考虑安全性和可靠性, MIC认证表明您的产品符合这些期望, 增加客户之间的信任和忠诚度.
  • 竞争优势: By obtaining MIC certification you can detect and resolve potential issues and modifications early in the design phase, 降低最终测试和批准过程中昂贵的延迟风险.
  • 风险缓解: Protect your brand and business interests by avoiding non-compliance penalties and representational damage, 确保长期的可持续性和成功.
  • 准确的文档我们的服务确保所有必要的文书工作都是精心准备的, 从技术规范到测试报告, 确保符合MIC标准.
  • 委任本地代表: im体育APP will guide you through appointing a reliable local representative in Japan to ensure compliance with regulations.
  • 与当局有效沟通MIC认证与监管机构建立了清晰的沟通渠道, 从而更快的审批和更有效的认证过程.
  • 保持信息灵通和合规: 我们积极主动的方法让您随时了解MIC要求的任何变化, empowering you to adapt swiftly and maintain ongoing regulatory compliance for sustained market success.





Many companies struggle to understand the intricate details of Japanese Radio Law and MIC certification requirements, 导致潜在的合规问题和市场进入的延迟. im体育APP is one of the few Registered 认证 Bodies (RCBs) outside Japan that can certify radio equipment for the Japanese marketplace.

我们的服务提供全面的日本法规指导, 确保从一开始就清楚地了解需求. 我们提供详细的咨询, 教育资源, and regulatory insights to help clients navigate the complexities of Japanese Radio Law with confidence. Our experienced team ensures that clients are well-informed and prepared to meet all regulatory obligations, 最小化遵从性问题的风险并简化认证过程.



Ensuring compliance with Japanese regulations and MIC certification requirements can be challenging for companies, 尤其是那些不熟悉这个复杂过程的人.

Our team of experts provides comprehensive support throughout the entire certification process.我们提供正式的无线电和SAR合规测试和报告服务, 精心评估产品,以满足MIC认证要求. 利用我们的早期测试和咨询服务, 您可以简化认证过程, 减少延迟, 并确保遵守日本法规. Our experienced professionals ensure that your project stays on track and meets all regulatory requirements, 让您有信心浏览认证过程. 将您的合规需求委托给我们, 您可以对您的无线电设备的质量和法规遵守有信心, 协助顺利进入日本市场. 



  • 建议和指导
  • 产品开发阶段的预合规测试
  • 日本无线电法正式无线电符合性测试和报告
  • 日本无线电法正式SAR符合性测试和报告
  • 日本麦克风认证服务
  • 测试以支持您的VCCI认证
  • VCCI B类消费设备EMC测试
  • 用于工业、商业和工程的A类设备的VCCI EMC测试

Our testing and certification program covers the main sections of MIC certification for data transmission equipment, 蓝牙, 无线个域网, 无线局域网, 无线网络, 射频识别卫星和近程设备.



As one of the few Registered 认证 Bodies (RCBs) and Conformity Assessment Bodies (CABs) outside Japan, 我们在日本无线电法和MIC认证过程中提供专业知识. Our accreditations include being UKAS accredited to ISO/IEC 17025:2017 and serving as a Notified Body for various 欧洲an directives. 我们也是英国法规的认可机构,并持有美国认证, 加拿大, 并参与IECEE CB体系.

im体育APP可以支持您的端到端无线电设备需求, 一切都在一个地方-从咨询服务到认证测试, 认证和认证后更新. 这种简化的方法节省了时间和成本, 确保有效地遵守法规要求. 访问我们的 关于我们 浏览更多信息和 立即im体育APP 开始您的MIC认证之旅.

im体育APP, we are committed to maintaining the highest standards of impartiality and integrity in all our certification, 测试和咨询活动. 符合ISO/ iec17065要求, we ensure that our certification decisions are made independently and without any undue influence from internal or external parties. 我们已经建立了强有力的程序来识别, 管理, and mitigate any potential conflicts of interest to uphold the trust and confidence of our clients and stakeholders.

Our personnel competencies and impartiality policy are embedded in our company culture and supported by comprehensive internal controls and oversight mechanisms. 欲了解更多关于我们公正政策和程序的信息,请与我们联系.


《im体育APP》第38-2-2条规定了各种类型的指定无线电设备(SRE)。, 主要包括消费者操作的无线电设备. Understanding this classification is pivotal for navigating regulatory requirements and certification procedures in Japan.


GITEKI标记, 也被称为MIC标志, serves as a clear indication that a product has undergone thorough testing and received approval for use in the Japanese market.


完成license申请后, im体育APP将作为合格评定机构(CAB)来检查您的产品的安全性, 功能和一致性, 发放预许可. 一旦完成, the product will undergo a final inspection; upon completion of the inspection, 将颁发一个完整的许可证, 产品可以推向市场. 取决于产品类型和预期用途, 我们可以根据日本无线电法颁发JRF和JPA批准证书.


了解im体育APP如何显著缩短雷尼绍产品系列的上市时间. 阅读我们的案例研究以获取更多信息.



Read our article or watch our online guide to learn about the requirements needed for Global Market Access.



补充我们广泛的MIC认证服务, im体育APP offers a wide range of related services to assist you from the initial stages of identifying a suitable compliance strategy through comprehensive testing programs, 认证和协助将您的产品推向全球市场.

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im体育APP TCB provides FCC certification services of your wireless devices for entry into the United States market.

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im体育APP FCB provides ISED certification services of your wireless devices for the Canadian market.

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im体育APP provides guidance on the relevant regulatory requirements before you reach the testing and approvals stage, 支持您从开始到结束-我们确保您获得第一次成功.

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im体育APP offers Notified Body review and EU-Type Examination certification of your wireless products subject to the scope of the Radio Equipment Directive (RED).

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im体育APP works as your Global Market Access service partner to help you navigate complex regulations and get your products to market quickly and efficiently.



Find out more about im体育APP's global platform of laboratories to ensure that you have the facilities, technical expertise and procedures to ensure that your products comply with national and international industry-specific and legislative EMC standards. 



im体育APP是帮助电气设备制造商的理想合作伙伴, importers and distributors obtain the fast and efficient product safety testing and certification needed to trade their products worldwide.


我们的团队超过9人,在北美聘用了000名专家, 欧洲, 中东地区, 澳大利亚, 亚洲和非洲随时准备帮助你们.