
im体育APP闪电技术在匹茨菲尔德 is an international leader in the development and verification of successful lightning protection for customers in the 航空航天, 风, 太阳能, 海上, 发电和输电, 石油和天然气, 还有很多其他im体育平台app下载.

成立于1977年,前身为Lightning Technologies(“LTI”), im体育APP闪电技术在匹茨菲尔德 has been a leader in the development and updating of lightning simulation and testing standards for 飞机 and wind turbine protection ever since. 我们开发了目前在世界范围内广泛使用的飞机闪电瞬态分析(LTA)测试方法.

我们的20,000 square foot facility is one of the most complete lightning-simulation laboratories in the world with generators capable of producing up to 2.400万伏和200伏,000 amperes and others - capable of simulating all the standard lightning-induced transients applicable to aerospace and ground-based equipment and 系统.





我们的团队超过9人,在北美聘用了000名专家, 欧洲, 中东地区, 澳大利亚, 亚洲和非洲随时准备帮助你们.




im体育APP闪电技术在匹茨菲尔德, 麻萨诸塞州 houses one of the most complete lightning-simulation laboratories in the world and ranks as an international leader in the development of sophisticated lightning protection 系统 for customers in the aerospace industry as well as for industrial complexes, 高尔夫球场, 风力发电厂, 主题公园和其他高风险地点. 我们的操作包括14英尺和25英尺高的发电机.

为各种飞机设计保护 & 其他应用程序

我们为包括固定翼在内的各类飞机提供设计服务, 直升机和eVTOL以及风力涡轮机, 使用碳纤维的船只和任何可能遭受雷击的设施. We have long standing experience with compliance with applicable airworthiness regulations and test standards published by 美国联邦航空局, 负责, RTCA, 以及适用于风力涡轮机的IEC标准. 我们也知道如何设计符合IEC和NFPA标准的地面设施.

im体育APP闪电科技 has provided lightning protection design and validation for major 飞机 and space vehicles and launch facilities including NASA Space Shuttle and KSC launch complexes. 其他客户包括:GE, 美国联邦航空局, 汉胜, 美国宇航局肯尼迪航天中心, 华特迪士尼世界的未来世界中心, 台风泻湖, 和动物王国公园.


im体育APP闪电科技 engineers and technicians are recognized experts in the field of lightning protection. 不同类型闪电的电特性, 以及撞击产生的电涌和磁场, 是复杂的.

工程师们发现,要研究闪电对建筑物或系统的影响, it is most efficient to isolate the components of the lightning waveforms and electrical/magnetic fields and to evaluate their effects through individual simulations. Our lab includes specialized and unique equipment to simulate all the electrical characteristics of natural lightning as well as the transients it induces in electrical and electronic 系统.

从航空电子设备到军事装备, our lightning testing gives manufacturers the data they need to produce robust components and 系统 designed to remain operational even when surges resulting from lightning strikes occur.

直接仿真与建模 & 闪电的间接影响

结构和系统的仿真和建模,以补充我们的测试能力. 我们使用COMSOL多物理场平台. 当我们协助设计保护尚未建成的结构或设备时,这是有用的. We have the advantage that we have everyday familiarity with how lightning currents behave throughout airframes and other structures, 这样就可以验证我们的模型(并知道什么时候不需要建模).

Our finite element analysis capabilities allow us to perform complex simulations to accurately model the interaction of lightning with a variety of 飞机 和航空电子设备 components for our customers. 通过将cad生成的复杂物体分解成可网格化的几何形状, 我们能够在真实物体的高保真度条件下准确地描绘闪电环境.


闪电击中地面时出现的闪烁现象实际上是由一系列的电流冲击引起的, 其电气特性称为多冲程. 另一方面, 云间闪电和云内闪电具有非常不同的电特性, 即多次冲程和多次爆发, and require that aerospace electronic 系统 that perform critical or essential functions be tested against the effects of both types of lightning. 我们拥有最通用的设备,可以进行多次冲程和多次爆破测试.


我们进行多种类型的静电测试. 这些程序模拟静态影响的范围:从那些发生在飞机上,可以超过100,000伏到
small, 但是有潜在危险的电压, 生产制造和物料搬运作业.


我们的能力包括R&D为先进飞行器设计新的防雷方法和产品, 系统, 设备及材料. We have collaborated with several small businesses in seeking funding and support for US Government Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) grants through Phase II and beyond. 我们期待与您合作,取得同样的成功.


Lightning Physical (Direct Effects) Test to determine the effects of lightning on a wide variety of materials, structures and fuel 系统 can be conducted in our high voltage (HV) and high current (HC) laboratories in 皮茨菲尔德, 麻萨诸塞州. 这些都是按照 SAE ARP 6514和EUROCAE ED 105 标准和应用于保护设计和开发以及认证.

闪电的直接影响包括由于极热的(20)闪电的附着而造成的物理损害,000°C)和高电流(250,000+安培)闪电通道. These effects include the burning and shattering of materials and the direct conduction of lightning voltages into electrical and electronic circuits resulting in burnouts of equipment.

两种基本类型的发电机用于直接影响试验:高压发电机, 马克思式脉冲发生器产生的电压和电场高达2.400万伏特来模拟雷电引线的附着和输电线路上产生的浪涌. 大电流发电机产生高达250,000安培,包括三个单位适应复制雷击, 以及典型雷击的中间和持续电流波形.

以容纳非常大的测试样本, direct effects tests are performed in facilities like Lightning Technologies’ indoor high-bay laboratory that measures 80 x 100 feet.


Lightning and Transient (Indirect Effects) Tests of Electronic 系统s and Equipment for 飞机 and other 系统 performing critical functions. 我们在皮茨菲尔德的im体育APP闪电技术公司进行这些测试, 马萨诸塞州以及我们的客户在世界各地的设施, 因为有时运输我们的测试设备效率更高, 哪个是为旅行配置的, 而不是把客户的系统运到我们的实验室. 我们在所有标准波形和瞬态电平下进行这些测试. We can apply both the individual transient tests to equipment and the Multiple Stroke/Multiple Burst1 waveform sets to 系统 or sub系统. 而其他测试公司也做这些测试, 我们带来了间接效应机制的物理知识, 测试方法的起源, 以及防护设计方法. We offer test planning services that help our customers apply the correct tests and often avoid unnecessary testing, 或失败. We have many years of experience with real-world lightning strike experience of 飞机 and ground-based 系统. 

The indirect effects of lightning are caused primarily by earth-voltage rises that occur when the flash dumps charge into the earth and by the intense electromagnetic field associated with the flash. These fields and earth-voltage rises have enough energy to cause component damage up to a kilometer or more from the actual strike.

Indirect effects are most commonly induced into system interconnecting cables and may damage or upset electronic components. im体育APP闪电科技 has been at the forefront of indirect effects test method development for many years. 这些方法在IEEE中有定义, ANSI, SAE, EUROCAE, 美国mil - std和许多im体育平台app下载和公司标准和规范.

The indirect effects testing lab includes many specialized devices for complete field and transient analysis, 从单个电路到完全可操作的互联系统. 典型的间接影响试验包括针注入, 变压器注入, 电容式注射, 接地电路注入和场浸技术.


We have prepared a series of in-depth courses to assist engineers and technicians in designing effective lightning protection for facilities, 飞机, 和航空电子设备. 我们目前提供三个面对面的课程:


培训活动在我们位于马萨诸塞州匹茨菲尔德的工厂举行,时间从三到五天不等. 我们还在全球客户的工厂进行培训.

更多信息请直接im体育APP的实验室:+1 413-499-2135







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