Element先进的有限元分析(FEA)和建模服务支持产品开发, simulation of service conditions, design optimization, life prediction, fitness for service, and failure analysis.  我们的专家与传统的测试服务合作,分析复杂结构和系统的强度, determine component behavior, 准确预测产品在结构和热负荷下的反应. 


What is finite element analysis (FEA)?



What are the types of FEA analysis?

有限元法可用于求解工程连续介质力学的任何方程, including fluid flow, acoustics, and electromagnetics, 但最常用于求解应力和应变方程.  We use static FEA to solve for strength and integrity, and dynamic FEA to solve for impact, explosions, and penetration.


What are the advantages of FEA?

有限元分析自20世纪60年代以来一直在使用,是一种精确计算结构在荷载作用下的应变应力的行之有效的方法.  现代计算能力现在允许我们考虑复杂的设计和材料组合在巨大的不同负载条件下.  现在可以安全快速地检查多种故障情况, without the expense of full-scale test apparatus.


Applications of FEA

We use FEA for a wide range of different applications:

  • 我们用它来计算航空航天中高载荷部件的应力, nuclear, defence, medical, 识别化学和海上工业的失败风险.
  • 扩展的有限元分析方法可以用来明确地模拟裂纹的扩展,以预测失效时间.
  • 本文采用动态有限元分析方法研究了燃气轮机叶片失效及叶片是否会穿透发动机周围的保护机匣等情况.
  • By coupling with acoustic or flow solvers, 我们可以计算化学过程系统中由高频振动引起的应力, and hence their fatigue lives.
  • 我们使用相同的基本方法来计算海底设备的表面电势,以优化被动或主动阴极保护系统的设计.


Elements FEA analysis services

我们的专家在各行各业广泛工作,帮助您了解产品的结构和热性能. Our wide range of FEA services include:

  • Linear static and dynamic stress analysis
  • 非线性分析包括材料非线性、大变形和接触
  • FEA modal analysis
  • Structural optimization
  • Time-dependent analysis (creep, stress relaxation)
  • 裂纹扩展模型(j积分、内聚区、虚拟裂纹闭合技术)
  • Fatigue life and durability analysis
  • Residual life evaluation
  • Engineering critical assessment (ECA) and fitness for service (FFS)
  • Damage tolerance of composite materials
  • 动力分析,包括频率、振动和随机振动
  • Impact and high rate deformation
  • Heat transfer analysis
  • Thermal analysis
  • Electromagnetic analysis
  • Fluid diffusion/permeation
  • FEA analysis report


Solving problems with FEA

我们用这种方法来求解结构力学问题和评估服役适应度, fatigue life, failure analysis, or perform design optimization. In addition, 我们也用它来解决涉及传热的其他工程和物理科学领域的问题, fluid flow, mass transport, and electromagnetism.


用我们先进的模拟软件来预测产品的行为, 我们可以帮助您节省传统测试所需的时间和材料,并增加您对测试合规性的信心.



FEA for Failure Analysis

我们的有限元分析专家通过CAD的调查定期解决产品故障问题, in-service data, and material data coupled with detailed analysis. 我们的FEA团队与物理测试专家密切合作,为您的测试失败提出解决方案,并通过物理测试验证模拟.



The Element advantage

Element在执行有限元分析(FEA)测试和为不同im体育平台app下载提供先进解决方案方面拥有超过30年的经验, including nuclear, aerospace, power generation, energy, defence, medical equipment and chemical process.

With state-of-the-art product testing facilities in the UK, we provide environmental simulation, durability cycling, structural dynamics programs, and mechanical testing in the same program. 这使我们成为您资质测试需求的单一来源提供商.

Element的数字工程团队使用有限元法(FEA)来克服无数复杂的工业问题. We use FEA to solve structural mechanics problems, evaluate fitness for service, fatigue life, failure analysis, perform design optimization and much more.


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